International Conference
on the occasion of Komitas Vardapet’s 150th birthday
8-10 October, 2019
Berlin – HalleOrganized by:
Komitas Museum-Institute
Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Federal Republic of Germany
Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Martin-Luther-University Halle-WittenbergSponsored by:
ArdshinbankOrganizing Comitee:
H.E. Ashot Smbatyan
Nikolay Kostandyan
Mher Navoyan (Chair)
Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan
Meliné Pehlivanian
Anna Arevshatyan
Lilit Yernjakyan
Lusine Sahakyan
Tatevik Shakhkulyan
Gayane Amiraghyan
Lilit Harutyunyan
Nane Misakyan8 October
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of Musicology and Media Studies
Am Kupfergraben 5, 10117 Berlin09:00-09:30
Laying of flowers at the memorial desk of KomitasHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Ceremonial Hall
Luisenstraße 56, 10117 Berlin09:30-10:00
Prof. Dr. SABINE KUNST, President of the Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinH.E. ASHOT SMBATYAN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia in the Federal Republic of Germany
Dr. ARAYIK HARUTYUNYAN, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia
Prof. Dr. SEBASTIAN KLOTZ, Professor of Transcultural Musicology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Dr. NIKOLAY KOSTANDYAN, Director of Komitas Museum-Institute
KEYNOTE SPEECHESKomitas’s Role and Significance in the History of Armenian Culture (E)
Prof. Dr. MHER NAVOYAN (Armenia)Komitas as a European: Traces of European Musical Thinking and Art of Composition in his Selected Works (G)
Prof. Dr. THOMAS BUCHHOLZ (Germany)11:15-11:30
Coffee break11:30-13:30
KOMITAS AND GERMANYKomitas and his Role in Armenian-German Relations (G)
Prof. Dr. ARMENUHI DROST-ABGARJAN (Germany)Komitas’s Berlin Period of Creation (E)
Dr. TATEVIK SHAKHKULYAN (Armenia)Richard Wagner and Komitas Vardapet (E)
Dr. LUSINE SAHAKYAN (Armenia)The Art and the Books of Manrusum in the Light of Komitas’s Studies (E)
Prof. Dr. ANNA AREVSHATYAN (Armenia)13:30-15:00
Lunch break15:00-16:30
KOMITAS AND MUSIC FOLKLOREKomitas and the Problems of Armenian Music Folkloristics (A)
Prof. Dr. ALINA PAHLEVANYAN (Armenia)Multilingualism and Identity in Armenian Bardic Tradition in the Light of Komitas’s Conceptions (E)
Prof. Dr. LILIT YERNJAKYAN (Armenia)Komitas’s Transcription of the Song Mšec‘oc‘ bingyol (A)
Dr. MARIANNA TIGRANYAN (Armenia)Archetype of a Maiden Warrior in Eastern Slavonic and German Musical Tradition in their Comparative Characteristics (E)
Dr. TETIANA KAPLUN (Ukraine)Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Otto-Braun Hall
Potsdamer Straße 33, 10785 Berlin18:30-19:00
Greeting speech
Dr. h.c. BARBARA SCHNEIDER-KEMPF, General Director of Staatsbibliothek zu BerlinINTRODUCTION TO THE EXHIBITION
MELINE PEHLIVANIAN, Curator of the Exhibition
SILVINA DER-MEGUERDITCHIAN, Designer of the Exhibition9 October
Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Aula / Löwengebäude
Universitätsplatz 11, 06108 Halle (Saale)09:30-11:30
Arrival from Berlin in Halle11:30-12:00
Prof. Dr. KLAUS NÄUMANN (Professor of Ethnomusicology at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
Dr. Prof. CLAUDE MUTAFIAN (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France)12:00-14:00
KOMITAS IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERDISCIPLINARY RELATIONS (I)Komitas as an Ethnomusicologist: an Attempt to Comparative Scientific and Historical Classification (G)
Prof. Dr. KLAUS NÄUMANN (Germany)Concept of National in Komitas’s Perception (E)
Prof. Dr. MHER NAVOYAN (Armenia)The Archive of Breitkopf & Härtel Publishing House: Documents for Komitas-Research (G)
Dr. LILIT HARUTYUNYAN (Armenia)Oskar Fleischer and Komitas (G)
HELMUT SANDECK (Germany)14:00 – 15:30
Lunch break15:30-17:30
KOMITAS IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERDISCIPLINARY RELATIONS (II)The Languages of Musical Terms in Komitas’s Piano Works (E)
MARIA LUCIA ALIFFI (Italy)Substrate Symbolism of Komitas’s Work and the Issue of its Dating (G)
Dr. ARSEN BOBOKHYAN (Armenia)Komitas and Armenian Art (E)
Prof. Dr. LEVON CHOOKASZYAN (Armenia)10 October
Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Aula / Löwengebäude
Universitätsplatz 11, 06108 Halle (Saale)09:00-11:30
KOMITAS AND MEDIEVAL MUSIC CULTUREThe Rite of the Foot Washing in the Medieval Music Culture: Textology vs Hermeneutics
(about the prospects for comparative studies) (E)
Dr. MARINA EGOROVA (Russia)Sacred Tałs Transcribed by Komitas (A)
Dr. ASTGHIK MUSHEGHYAN (Armenia)The Armenian Second Mode and Dies Irae Sequence (A)
NANE MISAKYAN (Armenia)Komitas’s Manuscriptological and Neumological Studies Revisited (E)
Dr. ARUSYAK TAMRAZYAN (Armenia)Concerning a Principle of Komitas’s Method of the Analyse of Modes (based on the example of Etchmiadzin’s and New-Julfa’s Chants of Armenian sacred music) (G)
Dr. GAYANE AMIRAGHYAN (Armenia)11:30-12:00
Coffee break12:00-13:00
THE ARTS IN THE TIME PERIOD OF REPRESSIONSKomitas and the Armenian life in the Ottoman Empire (G)
Prof. Dr. ELKE HARTMANN (Germany)Creation and Mourning (E)
MHER NAVOYAN - Doctor of Arts, musicologist-medievalist, Honored Worker of Art of RA, Head of the Folk Music Department of the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA, Professor at the Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Komitas Museum-Institute, Artistic Director of the ‟Geghard” Vocal Ensemble. Navoyan isTHOMAS BUCHHOLZ - Doctor, Professor Thomas Buchholz is a composer and musicologist. After gaining a specialisation of a piano manufacturer and a piano tuner at Blüthner Piano Factory, he studied composition (under G. Neubert’s tutelage), solo singing and musical pedagogy at Leipzig Music School, from which he graduated with a certificate (1988). Then, parallel to teaching at theARMENUHI DROST-ABGARJAN - Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan is a Doctor, Professor, Armenologist, specialist in Byzantine studies and Oriental studies. She graduated from the Department of Armenian Philology of Yerevan State University (1977) and did her post-graduate studies at the Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences (under the supervision of Sergey Averintsev). Starting from 1985, she has beenTATEVIK SHAKHKULYAN - Musicologist, PhD in Arts, Head of the Research Department of the Komitas Museum-Institute, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Arts of RA, Lecturer at the Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan, Liaison Officer for Armenia at the International Council for Tradition Music. She defended her dissertation thesis at the InstituteLUSINE SAHAKYAN - Musicologist, PhD in Arts, Assistant Professor, Head of the Chair of Music History of the Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan. L. Sahakyan undertook graduate and postgraduate studies at the Komitas state Conservatory. She defended her dissertation thesis at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA in 2007. Sahakyan is theANNA AREVSHATYAN - Doctor of Arts, musicologist, Honored Worker of Art of RA, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and a Professor at the Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan. She is a member of the Composers Union of Armenia, International Association of Byzantine Studies (AIEB), Verein zur Erforschung derALINA PAHLEVANYAN - Alina Pahlevanyan is an ethnomusicologist, PhD in Arts, Professor, Honored Worker in Art of RA. Pahlevanyan has been a consultant on folklore at the State Ensemble of Armenian Song and Dance and at the State Committee of the Armenian Radio and TV. She was the Head of the Chair of Armenian Folk Music Studies ofLILIT YERNJAKYAN - Musicologist, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Honored Worker of Art of RA, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA, Professor at the Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan, Corresponding Member of the Ararat International Academy of Sciences (Paris), International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), a member of the Composer’sTETIANA KAPLUN - Musicologist, PhD in Art, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Culturology of the Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music. She received her music education at the Odessa Сollege of Music (Department of Theory of Music, 1984) and the Odessa State A. V. Nezhdanova Conservatory (musicology, 1989). She worked as aKLAUS NÄUMANN - Klaus Näumann studied music pedagogy at Dresden Music Academy (1993-1997; jazz, rock and pop music, as well as electric guitar music). In 1998-2002, he studied comparative musicology at the Free University of Berlin. In 2004, he defended his thesis entitled ‟Parang Music in Trinidad”. In 2015, he received his PhD from Cologne University defending hisMHER NAVOYAN - THE CONCEPT OF NATIONAL IN KOMITAS’S PERCEPTION The emphasis on national identity in Komitas’s heritage determines his place and role in the history of Armenian music. His historical role of being the founder of the Armenian national school of composition is devised around this fact. National identity, as the creative and contemplative baseline, has twoTHEKLA KLUTTIG - Dr. Thekla Kluttig studied history and political science in Bonn and Hamburg in 1987-1992. In 1995-1997, she defended her PhD thesis on the study of the GDR and was a higher archive service intern. Since then, she has been working in the Saxon archive administration as the head of the department in the main stateLILIT HARUTYUNYAN - Lilit Harutyunyan is a musicologist-medi¬evalist, researcher at the Komitas Mu¬seum-Institute and at the Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan, Head of the Bibliography, Recording and Digitization Department at the Music Library. L. Harutyunyan received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from the Department of Musicology of the Komitas State Con¬servatory. In 2018, she defended her PhD thesisHELMUT SANDECK - Pathologist, expert in Caucasian studies, Armenologist, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. In 1982-1988, he studied medicine in Leipzig receiving a qualification of a doctor having graduating from Bad Berka Secondary School in Thuringia in 1980. In 1988-89, he received supplementary education in church music as an organist in Eisenach. In 1988-1997, he started his medical careerMARIA LUCIA ALIFFI - Associated Professor in General Linguistics – Historical Linguistics, Department of Humanities at the University of Palermo. She is a coordinator of Degree Course in “Modern Languages and Translation for International Relations” and a coordinator of Master post-lauream in “Subtitling for Deaf and Audio-description for Blind”. She teaches “Linguistics of the XX and the XXI century”,ARSEN BOBOKHYAN - Archaeologist, culturologist, PhD in History, Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Tübingen, Deputy Director and a leading researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of NAS RA. Bobokhyan graduated from the Department of History of Yerevan State University (1997), and then was a post-graduate student at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography ofLEVON CHOOKASZIAN - Doctor of Arts, Professor. In 1974 L. Chookaszian graduated from the Department of Armenian Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology, Yerevan State University. In 1978 he started working at the Center for Armenian Studies of Yerevan State University. Since 1978, parallel to scientific work, he has taught Armenian and Ancient Art and other disciplines atMARINA EGOROVA - PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Old Russian Singing Art of the N. Rimsky-Korsakov State Conserva¬tory in Saint Petersburg, Senior Researcher of the Research Laboratory of Russian Musical Medievistics in Saint-Petersburg State Conservatory. Egorova received a PhD from the Saint Petersburg State University in 1996. She is the author of a monograph,ASTGHIK MUSHEGHYAN - Musicologist-medievalist, PhD in Arts, Senior Researcher at the Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts Matenadaran, a member of Verein zur Erforschung der Monodie (Austria). She has published the study The Armash Monastery Musical Traditions (in the book: The Armash Seminary, Yerevan, 1998, part 2). She has presented papers at a number of local and internationalNANE MISAKYAN - Musicologist-medievalist, researcher at the Komitas Museum-Institute. She graduated from the Departments of Musicology and Composition of the Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan. Misakyan is the author of numerous articles and a participant of international conferences. She is also engaged in teaching. The scope of her scientific studies focuses on a range of problems related toARUSYAK TAMRAZYAN - Arusyak Tamrazyan studied at Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan at the Departments of Musicology (1998-2003) and Organ (2000-2005). Since 2005, she has been working as a senior researcher at the Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts ‟Matenadaran” at the Department of the Art History and Schools of Miniature Painting, as well as at the DepartmentGAYANE AMIRAGHYAN - Musicologist-medievalist, PhD in Arts, researcher at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and at the Komitas Museum-Institute, a member of Verein zur Erforschung der Monodie (Austria). Amiraghyan has graduated from the Department of Musicology of the Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan and has undertaken her post-graduate studies at theELKE HARTMANN - Elke Hartmann studied history and Islamic studies at the Free University of Berlin. She graduated from the Institute of Islamic Studies of the same university earning a degree of a Doctor of Philosophy for research on the topic on conscription in the Ottoman Empire. She defended a postdoctoral thesis on the life and personal testimoniesRITA SOULAHIAN KUYUMJIAN - Rita Suluhian Kuyumjian graduated from Yerevan State Medical University. As a psychiatrist she specialized in McGill University in Montreal. Currently she is an associate professor of psychiatry in McGill University, where she has been teaching for thirty-five years. She is also the Director of Psychiatric Outpatient Department of St. Mary’s Hospital in Montreal. She is