art historian, PhD in Arts, Senior Researcher at the institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA, member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Arts, President of the Council of Young Art Historians, a member of the Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences. She has received a PhD in 2013 from the Institute of Arts. Kirakosyan is the author of a monograph Panos Terlemezyan: His Life and Work (2014) and 24 articles. She has presented papers in a number of local and international conferences. Her research is mostly on Armenian painting of the new era.
As a prominent artist of realistic painting, a cultural-public figure and a devotee of the Armenian liberation struggle, Panos Terlemezyan has a special role in the history of Armenian fine arts of the XIX-XX centuries. During his creative life the artist had active relations with many prominent figures of the Armenian culture. Among those relationships his friendship with Komitas Vardapet was especially noteworthy. The many years’ friendship of the musicologist and the painter became more and more fruitful, when Terlemezyan moved to Constantinople and rented an apartment in the same building where Komitas was living. The memories of the painter, as well as many archival materials and evidences of the contemporaries served as bases for starting a discussion on the matter.
A painting by Terlemezyan – Komitas Vardapet, created during his early creative period (1913), is presented in the article, focusing on the history of its creation and clarifying details concerning the title. Other graphic and painted works of Komitas by Terlemezyan are discussed in the article as well. Details of the cultural collaboration of Terlemezyan and Komitas during 1912-13 are another subject discussed, considering also the references to the latter found in the Armenian literature. Not widely known works by Terlemezyan as the Komitas Vardapet and His Friend the Chief of Yezids (1910) and a lost group etude Terlemezyan, Komitas, Siamanto and Mannik Perperyan are discussed here. The history of the creation of Armenuhi Meliqyan’s portrait and its destiny are presented. Armenuhi had been both Komitas’s and Terlemezyan’s student.