Musicologist, PhD in Arts, Honored Worker of Art of RA, Professor at the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan, Lecturer at the State Academy of Arts in Yerevan, Member of the administrative body of the Composers’ Union of Armenia, Corresponding Member of the Ararat International Academy of Sciences (Paris). Avetisyan defended a dissertation thesis on The Possibilities of a Topographical Analysis of Ballet Dramaturgy in 2009 at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA. She is the author of numerous articles on musical theater, performing arts, music composition, etc. She authored a number of broadcasted programs and other projects, including encyclopedias and various collections.
The ballet “Antuni” (1969) by the Armenian composer Edgar Hovhannisyan is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Komitas Vardapet. This study focuses on Komitas’s character as displayed by Antuni, who is the main hero of the ballet. The ballet consists of two acts with five scenes in each. The First Act reveals the creativity, love and personal emotional world of the hero. The Second Act contrasts the first one by presenting violence, sorrow and suffering related to the Armenian Genocide. I analyzed the ballet in accordance with the topological-graphical modeling method, which I have created in order to have the possibility to analyze the structural and dramaturgical features of music. My model is based on multi-level, multi-layer systemized drawings. The structure of this given ballet has a symmetrical structure featuring rational and logical criteria and harmony.