Doctor of Arts, musicologist, Honored Worker of Art of RA, Leading Research­er at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and a Profes­sor at the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan. She is a member of the Interna­tional Association of Byzantine Studies (AIEB), Verein zur Erforschung der Monodie (Austria) and Association Internationale des Etudes Arméniennes (Switzerland). Arevshatyan is the author of numerous articles and monographs on Armenian medieval music history, theory and aes­thetics, on Komitas and the creative ac­tivity of Armenian contemporary com­posers. She authors 6 monographs: The Mashtots Book as a Monument of Armenian Medieval Music Culture (1991), Commentar­ies on Armenian Medieval Modes (2003), The Theory of Musical Modes in Medieval Armenia (2013), The Musicological Heritage of Grigor Gapasakalyan (2013), The Music Culture of Ani (2014) and Grigor Magistros as a Hymnographer and Aesthet (2015).


The articles on the historical-theoretical aspects of the Armenian church chant have an important place in Komitas’s multidimensional creative heritage. Even nowadays those studies have not lost their academic topicallity. In his articles Komitas referred to the formation and historical development of the Armenian chant, to the Armenian eight-mode sys­tem, to the chants of Manrusum, as well as to the description of the tetrachordal structure in Armenian music, to a num­ber of remarkable sources of medieval manuscripts, etc. The issues related to deciphering the Armenian medieval khaz notation system were given a significant place in Komitas Vardapet’s research ac­tivity. Due to Komitas, a number of tes­timonies about the ancient and medie­val Armenian music-aesthetical thought were put into scholarly circulation. By Publishing and analyzing them Komitas Vardapet presented the ancient layers of the Armenian music heritage to the European academic world. The theses and observations related to sacred mu­sic, which were reviewed in those arti­cles, became the bases for founding the branch of Armenian medieval music studies. They became a reference point for the research of the scholars of com­ing generations.