International ConferenceDedicated to the 25th anniversary of the
Independence of the Republic of ArmeniaSeptember 27-29, 2016
Organized by Komitas Museum-Institute
www.komitasmuseum.amAddress: 28 Arshakunyats, 0023, Yerevan, Armenia
Tel.: +374 11 570571
institute@komitasmuseum.amSupported by
- Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia
- State Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science
Scientific Committee:
September 27
Venue: Concert Hall of the Komitas Museum-Institute
09:30-10:00 Conference Opening and Welcoming Remarks
- Minister of Culture of the Republic of Armenia
Hasmik Poghosyan - Director of the Komitas Conference-Festival
Nikolay Kostandyan - Artistic Director of the Komitas Conference-Festival
Mher Navoyan - Director of External Relations Department
of the Mother See of Holy Echmiatsin
Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisyan
10:00-11:00 Keynote speeches
- Komitas and the Problems of Armenian Music Folkloristics
Alina Pahlevanyan (Armenia) - Komitas and Berlin Musicology
Regina Randhofer (Germany) - About A Fact from the Music Life of Ani, Mentioned in the Letters of Grigor Magistros
Anna Arevshatyan (Armenia)
First Session
Venue: Concert Hall of the Komitas Museum-Institute
- Komitas and the XX Century Western Music
Tatevik Shakhkulyan (Armenia) - Komitas Vardapet and Nikoghayos Tigranyan․ Globalization in the
Contexts of Folk and Western Art Musical Interactions
Jonathan McCollum (USA) - Komitas Vardapet and the Russian Culture
Lusine Sahakyan (Armenia) - About the Psychiatric Stays of Father Komitas
Claudine Bellamy and Michel Caire (France)
Second Session
Venue: Concert Hall of the Komitas Museum-Institute
- The Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Armenia and the Study of Komitas’s Heritage
Anna Asatryan (Armenia) - The Devotees of the Armenian Culture: Komitas and Panos Terlemezyan
Meri Kirakosyan (Armenia) - Some Portraits of Komitas Vardapet
Margarita Kamalyan (Armenia)
Third Session
Venue: Hall of Komitas’s Ethnographic Activity
Komitas Museum-Institute
- Komitas and National Musical Identity
Lilit Yernjakyan (Armenia) - The Modern Life of the “Horovel”: Following Komitas’s Path
Hripsime Pikichian (Armenia) - The “Lorik” Traditional Epithalamiums in Komitas’s Transcriptions
Marianna Tigranyan (Armenia) - Komitas’s Armenian Folk Dance Heritage
Gagik Ginosyan (Armenia)
September 28
Fourth Session
- The Epistolary Correspondence of Komitas and Margarit Babayan
Nikolay Kostandyan (Armenia) - Komitas Vardapet and the Khaz Notation System
Alice Ayvazian (Cyprus) - Komitas, Pérotin, and Hildegard: Programming Armenian Folk Music in
United States and Western European Early Music Ensembles
Alyssa Mathias (USA) - Komitas: Teaching with Choral Songs
Hasmik Harutyunyan (Armenia)
September 29
Fifth Session
- “Martyr and Pastor”: Stichera Transcribed in the Russian Notated
Manuscripts of the Middle of the XVII Century, Dedicated to Saint Bishop
Gregory, the Illuminator of Great Armenia
Natalia Ramazanova (Russia) - On the Armenian Book of Hours
Anahit Baghdasaryan (Armenia) - Hymnography Dedicated to the Saint Martyr Gregory of Armenia in the Manuscripts of the Epoch of the
Tatyana Shvets (Russia) - Taghs and Meghedies of the Armenian Liturgy
Astghik Musheghyan (Armenia) - The Main Tendencies of the Armenian Musical-Theoretical Thought in the XVIII Century
Ani Musheghyan (Armenia)
Sixth Session
- The Dating of One of the Oldest Documents Related to the Armenian Eight-Mode System
Mher Navoyan (Armenia) - Komitas’s Methodology for the Analysis of Mode
Gayane Amiraghyan (Armenia) - The Eight-Mode System in the Incipits of the Mekhitarist Tradition of Armenian Hymnody
Lilit Harutyunyan (Armenia) - Taghs and Meghedies of the Armenian Liturgy
Astghik Musheghyan (Armenia), PhD in Art,
Mashtots Matenadaran Research Institute of Ancient Manuscripts - Observations on the Eight-Mode System Based on Two Armash
Manuscripts From the Mashtots Matenadaran
Nane Misakyan (Armenia)
MARGARITA KAMALYAN - art historian, PhD, Senior Researcher at the Department of Diaspora’s Armenian Art and International Relations of the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA, Scientific Secretary at the same institute. Kamalyan graduated from the Faculty of History (UNESCO Chair of Armenian Art History) of the Yerevan State University (Bachelor’s Degree in
ANI MUSHEGHYAN - musicologist-medievalist, scientific editor at the Armenian Encyclopedia Publishing House SNCO of the National Academy of Sciences of RA. She graduated from the Department of Musicology of the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan obtaining a Bachelor’s (2010) and a Master’s (2011) Degree. Since 2012 she is a PhD candidate at the M. Abeghyan Institute of Literature
ALISSA MATHIAS - doctoral candidate in the Department of Ethnomusicology at the University of California, Los Angeles. She has conducted research on Armenian music in the United States, Russia, Turkey and Armenia. Additional research interests include music and labor in the early music communities, music in sport and fitness cultures, and sound studies. A violinist and singer, she
HASMIK HARUTYUNYAN - musicologist, PhD in Arts, researcher at the Shirak Center for Armenian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of RA, Scientific Secretary of the Center. She graduated from the Komitas State Conservatory (1987). In 2005, she received her PhD. Harutyunyan has worked at the Kumayri Reserve-Museum in Gyumri and at Gyumri’s branch of the Komitas
LILIT HARUTYUNYAN - musicologist-medievalist, Researcher at the Komitas Museum-Institute and at the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan, music editor of the Armenian National Music Treasure program of the Cultural Renaissance Foundation. Harutyunyan received her Bachalor's and Master's Degrees from the Department of Musicology of the Komitas State Conservatory. She is currently a post-graduate student of the same conservatory
NIKOLAY KOSTANDYAN - Director of the Komitas Museum-Institute. He is the author of a number of articles and has presented papers at various conferences. Kostandyan's research is focused on Armenian art music. THE EPISTOLARY CORRESPONDENCE OF KOMITAS AND MARGARIT BABAYAN Komitas’s letters present an important component of his literary heritage. They are mostly kept in the Komitas Archives
MERI KIRAKOSYAN - art historian, PhD in Arts, Senior Researcher at the institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA, member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Arts, President of the Council of Young Art Historians, a member of the Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences. She has received
LILIT YERNJAKYAN - musicologist, Doctor in Arts, Professor, Honored Worker of Art of RA, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and a Professor at the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan. She is a member of the Composers’ Union of Armenia. Yernjakyan is the author of 5 monographs and about
GAGIK GINOSYAN - dance specialist, dance-ethnographer, the founder and Artistic Director of the Karin Folk Song and Dance Ensemble, Honored Worker of Culture of RA, Honored Figure of Culture of the City of Yerevan. He was awarded the Knight of Golden Medal of the Ministry of Culture of RA. Ginosyan is the founder and artistic director of the
CLAUDINE BELLAMY - archivist. She has worked as a nurse in the psychiatric hospital in Villejuif from 1985 to 2010. A graduate in History and in Archival Studies, she has created and directs the Archive Department of the Paul Guiraud Hospital Group since December 2010. ABOUT THE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL STAYS OF FATHER KOMITAS The authors present a study
MICHEL CAIRE - PhD in Medicine, PhD in History at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris-Sorbonne), Hospital Psychiatric, Head of the Medical Information Department at the Maison-Blanche Hospital Center (Paris). ABOUT THE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL STAYS OF FATHER KOMITAS The authors present a study on the days Father Komitas’s spent in France, first in the Special Health Facility
ANAHIT BAGHDASARYAN - PhD in Arts, musicologist, Senior Researcher at the Department of Folk Music of the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA Armenia, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Armenian Folk Music Studies of the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan. The disciplines she teaches are: Armenian Sacred Music and Armenian Music Notation.
ANNA AREVSHATYAN - Doctor of Arts, musicologist, Honored Worker of Art of RA, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and a Professor at the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan. She is a member of the International Association of Byzantine Studies (AIEB), Verein zur Erforschung der Monodie and Association Internationale
ASTGHIK MUSHEGHYAN - musicologist-medievalist, PhD in Arts, Senior Researcher at the Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts – Matenadaran. She has published the study The Armash Monastery Musical Traditions (in the book: The Armash Seminary Yerevan, 1998, part 2). She has presented papers at a number of local and international conferences. A. Musheghyan has defended a dissertation thesis on
NANE MISAKYAN - musicologist-medievalist, researcher at the Komitas Museum-Institute. She graduated from the Department of Musicology and Composition of the Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory. Misakyan is the author of numerous articles and a participant of international conferences. She is also engaged in teaching. The scope of her scientific studies focuses on a range of problems related to Armenian
ALINA PAHLEVANYAN - ethnomusicologist, PhD in Arts, Professor, Honored Worker in Art of RA, the Head of the Chair of Armenian Folk Music Studies of the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan. Pahlevanyan has been a consultant on folklore at the State Ensemble of Armenian Song and Dance and at the State Committee of the Armenian Radio and TV.
MARIANNA TIGRANYAN - ethnomusicologist, PhD in Arts, Researcher at the Department of Folk Music of the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA, Lecturer at the Chair of Armenian Folk Music Studies of the Komitas State Conservatory. She has defended a dissertation thesis entitled Traditional Armenian Wedding Chants Within the Context of the Ancient
LUSINE SAHAKYAN - musicologist, PhD in Arts, Assistant Professor, Head of the Chair of Music History of the Komitas State Conservatory. Sahakyan undertook graduate and post-graduate studies at the Komitas State Conservatory. She defended her dissertation thesis at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA in 2007. Sahakyan is the author of the
REGINA RANDHOFER - musicologist, PhD, Research Associate at the European Centre for Jewish Music, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media. Academic background: Music Academy Rheinland/Aachen, Piano Teaching Diploma; MA and PhD in Musicology, University of Cologne. Additional studies: German Studies, Italian Studies, Classical Arabic, Sanskrit. Professional experience: Teaching position for piano at the University of Technology (RWTH)
NATALIA RAMAZANOVA - musicologist, PhD in Art history, Leading Researcher at the Department of Manuscripts of Russian National Library of St. Petersburg. Ramazanova is the author of several monographs: The Moscow Kingdom and Church-Chanting Art (2004), The Saint Russian Romans (2005), and more than 70 published research works. Her main fields of research interests are: the history of
HRIPSIME PIKICHIAN - ethnographer, PhD in History, Senior Researcher at the Department of Folk Music of the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Assistant Professor at the Department of Cultural Studies of the Yerevan State University, the founding President of the Armenian Association of Museum Workers and Friends, Chief Editor
TATYANA SHVETS - musicologist, Senior lecturer at the Department of Old Russian Art of Singing at the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory, Artistic Director of the Old Russian chant ensemble Znamenie, laureate of an International contest. She is the author of research and educational-methodological works in Old Russian music and has transcribed monophonic and polyphonic chants. Her main
TATEVIK SHAKHKULYAN - musicologist, PhD in Art, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA, Head of the Research Department of the Komitas Museum-Institute, Lecturer at the Komitas State conservatory, Liaison Officer for Armenia at the International Council for Traditional Music. She defended her dissertation thesis at the Institute of Arts
MHER NAVOYAN - musicologist-medievalist, PhD in Art, Honored Worker of Art of RA, Professor, Pro-Rector for Research Affairs of the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan, Head of the Folk Music Department of the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Scineces of RA, Senior Researcher, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Komitas Museum-Institute, Artistic Director of
ANNA ASATRYAN - Doctor of Arts, Professor, Honored Artist of RA, Deputy Director of the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA, Head of the Music Department, Founder-President of the Tigran Choukhajian Foundation. Asatryan is the author of 10 monographs and more than 100 articles. She has presented papers at numerous local and international
ALICE AYVAZIAN - singer. She received her B.A. in Vocal Performance from the Berklee College of Music (Boston, Massachusetts) and a M.A. in Educational Leadership from Saint Mary's University (San Antonio, Texas). In the U.S. she participated as a leading and backing vocalist in numerous studio projects and concerts. She is currently the instructor of Jazz Voice at
GAYANE AMIRAGHYAN - a musicologist-medievalist, PhD in Arts, researcher at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and at the Komitas Museum-Institute. Amiraghyan has graduated from the Department of Musicology of Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan and undertook her post-graduate studies at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of