Musicologist, folklorist, researcher at the Folk Music Department at the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Sargsyan graduated from the Department of Musicology at the Komitas State Conservatory. The main components of her activity are folk music collection fieldwork, their transcription, systematization, notation and analysis. Sargsyan’s research is focused on the study of the correlation between the melody and the dance in traditional Armenian dance-songs and dance melodies. She is the author of a number of articles and three published volumes in the series of “Traditional Armenian Music”.
The activities on the collecting, systemizing and the preservation of traditional Armenian music began as early as in the mid XIX century. While the first attempts were to some extent superficial, they were important from the point of view of founding the field. Considering the experience of his predecessors, Komitas approached the issue very seriously. After Komitas, the collective work has never ceased, but on the contrary, many scholars engaged into this activity, among whom musicologists, ethnologists, choreologists, performers and even non-specialists. In various institutions archives of the collected samples were created. A huge portion of the collections has been systemized and studied, and a portion has been published. There are also private archives that contain folk music recordings, but only a few of them have been studied. During various years various problems, issues, approaches, contradictions emerged related to the collective work. Whilst resulting from technological development, year by year the possibilities and tools for song recording increased, but as the traditions retreated, the number of informant singers and performers decreased. In this work we are attempting to outline how music collecting activities developed after Komitas.