Parisian Encounters
The Komitas Museum-Institute and the Museum of Literature and Art after Yeghishe Charents have jointly prepared an exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Armenian pianist, singer, musicologist, pedagogue, and close friend of Komitas Vardapet, Margarit Babayan.
The temporary exhibition, titled “Parisian Encounters,” will open on September 26, the birthday of Komitas Vardapet, at the Komitas Museum-Institute.
As part of the exhibition, approximately 150 archival documents and photographs from the Museum of Literature and Art will be presented, along with three paintings from the collection of the National Gallery of Armenia, as well as documents and photographs from the archives of the Komitas Museum-Institute and the Laloy family.
Different sections of the exhibition will be dedicated to various aspects of Margarit Babayan’s work, with one separate section highlighting the close friendship between Margarit Babayan and Komitas Vardapet, illustrated through their correspondence.